Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Assessing people in the workplace CUOL-7008PY Module
Business Models and Processes CUOL-7000SSL Module
Consumer Psychology CUOL-7006PY Module
Contemporary Perspectives of Care - Indvls with LTerm Conds CUOL-7000CPD Module
Critical Issues in Tourism Management CUOL-7032SMM Module
Cross-cultural Management CUOL-5010SSL Module
CUOL - Principles of Physical Health Assessment CUOL-7002CPD Module
CUOL Secure Design and Development CUOL-7032CEM Module
CUOL The Geopolitical, Economic and Legal Environment CUOL-7010SSL Module
CUOL-7027CRB Curriculum Delivery and Assessment Secondary CUOL-7027CRB Module
CUOL-7031HRM Management Research Skills CUOL-7031HRM Module
CUOL-7089EXQ Risk, Incidents & Leadership CUOL-7089EXQ Module
CUOL-AI Ethics for Business CUOL-7036CEM Module
CUOL-AI Technologies for Business and Management CUOL-7035CEM Module
CUOL-Automotive Cyber Security CUOL-7010CEM Module
CUOL-Behaviour and Classroom Management Primary CUOL-7013CRB Module
CUOL-Behaviour and Classroom Management Secondary CUOL-7026CRB Module
CUOL-Building Information Modelling Foundation CUOL-7068EXQ Module
CUOL-Business Continuity and Crisis Management CUOL-7103EXQ Module
CUOL-Communication Skills CUOL-408MAN Module
CUOL-Community Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience CUOL-7087EXQ Module
CUOL-Construction Cost Management CUOL-7111EXQ Module
CUOL-Contemporary Issues and Research in Project Management CUOL-7069EXQ Module
CUOL-Contemporary Issues and Research Methodologies CUOL-7109EXQ Module
CUOL-Contemporary Issues in Nursing CUOL-7014CPD Module
CUOL-Contemporary Perspectives of Care - Individuals with Long Term Conditions CUOL-7013CPD Module
CUOL-Creating Entrepreneurial Impact CUOL-7002ICTE Module
CUOL-Cyber Security Individual Project CUOL-7030CEM Module
CUOL-Decision Making and Risk CUOL-7004SSL Module
CUOL-Development of The Teachers’ Standards Primary CUOL-7015CRB Module
CUOL-Development of The Teachers’ Standards Secondary CUOL-7028CRB Module
CUOL-Digital Data Acquisition, Recovery and Analysis CUOL-7028CEM Module
CUOL-Disaster Risk, Resilience, Adaptation & Sustainability CUOL-7017EXQ Module
CUOL-Entrepreneurship and Innovation CUOL-6017SSL Module
CUOL-Evidence Based Practice and Research in Nursing CUOL-7017CPD Module
CUOL-EXQ Building Information Modelling and Sustainability Practice CUOL-7071EXQ Module
CUOL-Foresight, Insight and Strategy CUOL-7158EXQ Module
CUOL-Foundation Skills for Nursing Care CUOL-F4007FD Module
CUOL-Global Distribution Networks CUOL-7120MAA Module
CUOL-Global Professional Development - Consultancy CUOL-7002CRB Module
CUOL-Information Management and Decision Making CUOL-407MAN Module
CUOL-Integrated Emergency Management: Policy and Issues CUOL-7101EXQ Module
CUOL-Integrated Project - Construction CUOL-7066EXQ Module
CUOL-International Leadership CUOL-6018SSL Module
CUOL-Intrusion Detection and Response CUOL-7025CEM Module
CUOL-Leadership and Change Management CUOL-7011SSL Module
CUOL-Leadership Concepts CUOL-405MAN Module
CUOL-Leadership of Culture CUOL-7032CRB Module
CUOL-Leadership of People CUOL-7033CRB Module
CUOL-Leadership of Teaching & Learning CUOL-7034CRB Module
CUOL-Leadership Theory CUOL-7031CRB Module
CUOL-Leadership, Engagement and Motivation CUOL-7004BOP Module
CUOL-Learning, Training and Development CUOL-7000BOP Module
CUOL-Learning, Training and Development CUOL-7005PY Module
CUOL-Literature Review and Business Plan CUOL-7010PY Module
CUOL-Masters Dissertation CUOL-7008CPD Module
CUOL-Motivation and Engagement CUOL-7009PY Module
CUOL-Organisational Theory and Behaviour CUOL-7065EXQ Module
CUOL-Practical Teaching Practice CUOL-7016CRB Module
CUOL-Pre Contract Management Practice CUOL-7105EXQ Module
CUOL-PreTeach CUOL-7021CRB Module
CUOL-PreTeach CUOL-7025CRB Module
CUOL-Principles of Strategy CUOL-6010SSL Module
CUOL-Professional Working Paper (Dissertation) CUOL-7122EXQ Module
CUOL-Project and System Management CUOL-7064EXQ Module
CUOL-Project Management CUOL-7002SSL Module
CUOL-Project Management for International Business CUOL-6037SSL Module
CUOL-Project Planning and Research Skills CUOL-7002PY Module
CUOL-Project Planning and Research Skills CUOL-7005BOP Module
CUOL-Researching Perspectives and Practice CUOL-7095EXQ Module
CUOL-Resilience, Security and Emerging Technologies CUOL-7091EXQ Module
CUOL-Security of Emerging Connected Systems CUOL-7026CEM Module
CUOL-Simulation for Global Logistics CUOL-7119MAA Module
CUOL-Strategic Management for Construction & Engineering CUOL-7113EXQ Module
CUOL-Strategy and Decision-Making CUOL-7006SSL Module
CUOL-Sustainability and Green Logistics CUOL-7102MAA Module
CUOL-Teaching Practice in Higher Education CUOL-7054CRB Module
CUOL-Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Nursing CUOL-7006CPD Module
CUOL-The Evidence Base for Nursing Practice CUOL-7007CPD Module
CUOL-The MBA Consultancy Project CUOL-7005SSL Module
CUOL-The Organisational Environment CUOL-406MAN Module
CUOL-Work and Well-Being CUOL-7004PY Module
Digital Marketing Strategy CUOL-7063SMM Module
Digital Security Risk CUOL-7008SSL Module
Emergency Planning and Preparedness CUOL-7099EXQ Module
English Business Communication and Report Writing Skills CUOL-5065HUM Module
Financial and Asset Management CUOL-7067EXQ Module
Foundations in Communication and Professionalism (Practice 1) CUOL-F4008FD Module
Global Marketing CUOL-7000SMM Module
Global Project Management Practice CUOL-7107EXQ Module
Individual Differences at Work CUOL-7003PY Module
Innovation and Entrepreneurship CUOL-7001SSL Module
International Business and People Relations CUOL-6019SSL Module
International Career Development CUOL-5015SSL Module
International Logistics CUOL-6020SSL Module
Introduction to Nursing Science CUOL-F4006FD Module
Leadership, Power and Influence CUOL-7007PY Module
Leadership, Service Improvement and Integrated Care CUOL-7003CPD Module
Leading in Complex Health Systems CUOL-7011SOH Module
Logistics Economics CUOL-7126MAA Module
MA in Educational Leadership CRBT008 Course
Marketing Strategy CUOL-7062SMM Module
Network Defence Management CUOL-7007SSL Module
Organisational Behaviour and Learning CUOL-7001SMM Module
PGCE Reading lists PGCE-RL Course
Policy Politics and Transforming Practice CUOL-7010SOH Module
Research Project CUOL-7072EXQ Module
Sustainable Tourism Management CUOL-7031SMM Module
Training and Exercise Design and Delivery CUOL-7093EXQ Module
Working Paper CUOL-7097EXQ Module

Lists linked to C U Online

Title Sort by title Last updated Sort by last updated
CUOL - 7005CPD - Research Methodology, Design & Methods 27/08/2024 09:54:21
CUOL - M010DL Introduction to Teaching and Learning in HE 25/11/2020 14:25:23
CUOL - M070DL Developing and Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education 25/11/2020 14:24:26
CUOL - MBA 27/08/2024 11:42:47