Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Absolute Beginners' French 2 A210DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' French 3 A310DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' German 1 A120DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' German 3 A320DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Italian 2 A230DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Japanese 1 A140DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Mandarin 1 A150DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Mandarin 2 A250DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Mandarin 3 A350DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Portuguese 2 A260DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Spanish 1 A180DEL Module
Absolute Beginners' Spanish 2 A280DEL Module
Academic English for International Business (Stage 3:1) 391DEL Module
Analysing Written and Spoken Discourse 7027HUM Module
Analysing Written and Spoken Discourse M03DEL Module
Applied International Relations Theory M87ISS Module
Business French for Beginners A215DEL Module
Case Studies Analysis in Educational Project Management 7093HUM Module
Complexity in Protective Security and Resilience 7014TPS Module
Corpus Analysis and Pedagogy 7030HUM Module
Creative Dissertation 7057HUM Module
Creative Dissertation M08HUM Module
Critical Criminology 4038HUM Module
Critical Discourse Analysis 310DEL Module
Critical International Political Economy 7022HUM Module
Decolonial Thinking, Indigenous Peoples, and Sustainability 7117HUM Module
Developing Language Teaching Materials 7026HUM Module
Discourse and Digital Media 4005HUM Module
Dissertation in English and Education Management 7076HUM Module
Emerging Writing Specialisms 7055HUM Module
English Skills for Finance 5067HUM Module
Extended Masters HUM Professional Experience Module C 7090HUM Module
Fantasy and Speculative Fiction 321DEL Module
Fieldtrip 1: Civil Society Responses 7023HUM Module
Final Project in Post-Digital Humanities 7010HUM Module
From Empire to Welfare: Britain 1900-1951 4031HUM Module
Gender and Society 4035HUM Module
Global Inequality and Development 5055HUM Module
Higher Intermediate English: Academic Essay Writing A293DEL Module
Historians on Trial 4025HUM Module
History of the Atlantic World and Globalisation 4041HUM Module
Ideas, Ideologies and the State 4055HUM Module
Identifying and Mitigating Protective Security Challenges 7022TPS Module
Intercultural Communication in a Global Society A399DEL Module
International Political Economy 5046HUM Module
International Relations of Apartheid M86ISS Module
International Security Praxis M40ISS Module
Introduction to Business Communication 4022HUM Module
Introduction to International Relations Theories 4002HUM Module
Introduction to Maritime Security 7011TPS Module
Introduction to Political Ideas 4032HUM Module
Introduction to Protective Security and Resilience 7019TPS Module
Introduction to TEFL 4015HUM Module
Language and the Mind 313DEL Module
Language Architecture 4004HUM Module
Languages in the World 303DEL Module
Leading and Managing Organisational Change 7047HUM Module
Literary Genres and Periods 4012HUM Module
Lower Intermediate Arabic 3 A302DEL Module
Lower Intermediate French 2 A212DEL Module
Lower Intermediate French 3 A312DEL Module
Lower Intermediate French for Business A117DEL Module
Lower Intermediate German 2 A222DEL Module
Lower Intermediate German 3 A322DEL Module
Lower Intermediate Japanese 3 A342DEL Module
Lower Intermediate Mandarin 3 A352DEL Module
Lower Intermediate Spanish 2 A282DEL Module
Lower Intermediate Spanish 3 A382DEL Module
Magazine Publishing 4007HUM Module
Maritime Security in the 21st Century:Challenges & Responses 7012TPS Module
Media & Popular Culture 4037HUM Module
MPA in International Policing Research Project 7060HUM Module
National perspectives on Intercultural Studies 4018HUM Module
Online Language Teaching 5028HUM Module
Organisational Behaviour and Security Culture 7024TPS Module
Periods in English Literature and Language 4047HUM Module
Poetry for Digital Times 4009HUM Module
Policing Communities 4039HUM Module
Political Ideologies in the Twentieth Century 6073HUM Module
Politics of the Contemporary Middle East 6064HUM Module
Post Beginners Arabic A101DEL Module
Post Beginners' Arabic 2 A201DEL Module
Post Beginners' Arabic 3 A301DEL Module
Post Beginners' French 1 A111DEL Module
Post Beginners' French 2 A211DEL Module
Post Beginners' French 3 A311DEL Module
Post Beginners' German 1 A121DEL Module
Post Beginners' German 2 A221DEL Module
Post Beginners' German 3 A321DEL Module
Post Beginners' Italian 2 A231DEL Module
Post Beginners' Italian 3 A331DEL Module
Post Beginners' Japanese 2 A241DEL Module
Post Beginners' Japanese 3 A341DEL Module
Post Beginners' Mandarin 2 A251DEL Module
Post Beginners' Mandarin 3 A351DEL Module
Post Beginners' Portuguese 2 A261DEL Module
Post Beginners' Spanish 1 A181DEL Module
Post Beginners' Spanish 2 A281DEL Module
Post Beginners' Spanish 3 A381DEL Module
Postcolonial Literatures in English 323DEL Module
Principles and Practice of TEFL 1 5030HUM Module
Principles and Practice of TEFL 2 5031HUM Module
Project Literature Review 300DEL Module
Project: Professional Portfolio 302DEL Module
PSE for Postgraduate Entry 002PSESUB Module
PSE for Postgraduate Entry 002PSEEC Module
PSE for Undergraduate Entry 001PSEEC Module
PSE for Undergraduate Entry 001PSEHLS Module
PSE for Undergraduate Entry 001PSESUB Module
Race and Racism: Historical and Contemporary Debates 4030HUM Module
Regional Perspectives on Intercultural Studies 5034HUM Module
Skills for Writers 4010HUM Module
Social issues and Social Policy 4036HUM Module
Space Place Regionalisms Globalisms 4067HUM Module
Strategic Policy Development and Implementation 7059HUM Module
The American West: Real and Imagined 5018HUM Module
The Far Right in Britain and France 6067HUM Module
The Language of Marketing and Advertising 5032HUM Module
The Novel and Creative Nonfiction 7051HUM Module
Themes and Concepts in International Relations 4029HUM Module
Theories and Methods of Language Learning and Teaching M01ENL Module
Trafficking in Human Beings M36ISS Module
Trafficking in Human Beings 7015HUM Module
Understanding Academic English 7033HUM Module
Understanding Society 4034HUM Module
Understanding Society 4068HUM Module
Voices from the American West 325DEL Module
What's in the Box? 4021HUM Module
Working as a Professional Writer 7056HUM Module
Writing Fit for Purpose 4026HUM Module
Writing for Stage and Screen 7052HUM Module
Writing for Success 5072HUM Module
Writing the American Nation 4042HUM Module

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