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#Defining Gravity: High-Performance Physics Simulation |
5033CMD |
Module |
3D Forensic Modelling |
5004FOR |
Module |
3D Rendering and Animation |
6021CEM |
Module |
Advanced Algorithms |
5003CEM |
Module |
Advanced Algorithms |
5002CMD |
Module |
Advanced Forensic Science |
6029BMS |
Module |
Advanced GPU Programming |
6019CEM |
Module |
Advanced Numerical Methods |
6071CEM |
Module |
Advanced Practice in Strength and Conditioning |
7025SPO |
Module |
Advanced Programming for Game Development |
6020CEM |
Module |
Advanced Programming Paradigms |
6008CEM |
Module |
Advanced Software Development and Frameworks |
7054CEM |
Module |
Advanced Sport and Exercise Science Practice |
5037SPO |
Module |
Advanced Sports Coaching |
6007SPO |
Module |
Advanced Technical Art for Games |
6033CMD |
Module |
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular and Neuropharmacology |
6047BMS |
Module |
AI Ethics for Business |
7036CEM |
Module |
AI Technologies for Business and Management |
7035CEM |
Module |
Algebra |
4006CMD |
Module |
An Interdisciplinary Assessment in Sport and Exercise |
5034SPO |
Module |
Analytical Applications of Biomechanics |
5031SPO |
Module |
Antimicrobial Resistance Impact Project |
7003BIO |
Module |
Antimicrobial Resistance; Past, Present, and Future |
7001BIO |
Module |
Antimicrobial Stewardship |
7004BIO |
Module |
Applied Biomechanics |
5018SPO |
Module |
Applied Exercise Physiology |
6016SPO |
Module |
Applied Forensics |
5065CEM |
Module |
Applied Human Genetics |
6015BMS |
Module |
Applied Rehabilitation of a Client |
5041SPO |
Module |
Applied Skills in Sport Psychology |
7024SPO |
Module |
Applied Sport and Exercise Biomechanics |
6014SPO |
Module |
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology |
6017SPO |
Module |
Applied Techniques in Biology |
4011BIO |
Module |
Applied Vertebral Manual Therapy |
5000SPO |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence |
5001CMD |
Module |
Artificial Neural Networks |
7088CEM |
Module |
Artificial Neural Networks |
6057CEM |
Module |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
6011CEM |
Module |
Basic Digital Forensics |
5015CEM |
Module |
Big Data Analytics and Data Visualisation |
7153CEM |
Module |
Big Data Intelligence and Modelling |
7079CEM |
Module |
Big Data Programming Project |
5011CEM |
Module |
Biology of Human Ageing |
6054BMS |
Module |
Biomechanics for Sports and Exercise Therapists |
4034SPO |
Module |
Biomedical Science Professional Practice |
5039BMS |
Module |
Biomedical Science Professional Practice |
5017BIO |
Module |
Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence |
7076CEM |
Module |
Business Case Project |
7012BIO |
Module |
Business Process Engineering with Enterprise Systems |
7078CEM |
Module |
Calculus |
4007CMD |
Module |
Cancer Biology |
6039BMS |
Module |
Cancer Biology |
6014BMS |
Module |
Cancer Biology and Therapeutics |
6044BMS |
Module |
Cell and Molecular Biology for Pharmacologists |
5021BIO |
Module |
Cell Communication, Structure and Function |
4009BIO |
Module |
Cellular and Molecular Pathology |
7039BMS |
Module |
Cellular Basis of Disease |
5015BIO |
Module |
Chemistry of Foods |
4003SSN |
Module |
Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology |
6037BMS |
Module |
Clinical Experience |
6000SPO |
Module |
Clinical Haematology and Transfusion Science |
6040BMS |
Module |
Clinical Physiology |
6021BMS |
Module |
Clinical Practice |
6001SPO |
Module |
Clinical Preparation |
5044SPO |
Module |
Complex Crime Scene Examination |
5002FOR |
Module |
Computer Architecture and Networks |
Module |
Computer Architecture and System Programming |
7090CEM |
Module |
Computer Systems |
4002CMD |
Module |
Computer Systems and Networking (CISCO) 1 |
A101CT |
Module |
Computing Individual Research Project |
7151CEM |
Module |
Conceptual and Special Issues in Sport Psychology |
7029SPO |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Sports Coaching |
6008SPO |
Module |
Context: Global Politics and Relations |
7003MAPA |
Module |
Crime Scene Examination |
4000FOR |
Module |
Critical Integration of Physiology |
5032SPO |
Module |
Critical Review in Biotechnology |
7025BMS |
Module |
Critical Review In Molecular Biology |
7014BMS |
Module |
Critical Review in Pharmacology |
7021BMS |
Module |
Critical Review of Research Project |
7018SPO |
Module |
Cryptography and Information Theory |
6023CEM |
Module |
Current Topics in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery |
7009BMS |
Module |
Curriculum in Physical Education and Sport |
5047SPO |
Module |
Cyber Security Individual Project |
7030CEM |
Module |
Data Collection and Analysis in Sport and Exercise |
5005SPO |
Module |
Data Management Systems |
7086CEM |
Module |
Data Science |
5005CEM |
Module |
Data Science |
5004CMD |
Module |
Data Science for Business |
5025CMD |
Module |
Data Science for Developers |
5014CEM |
Module |
Data Science Group Project |
5047CMD |
Module |
Data Science Project |
7150CEM |
Module |
Data-Intensive Systems |
7055CEM |
Module |
Database Systems |
4005CEM |
Module |
Desire Lines: User Experience and Interface Design |
5028CMD |
Module |
Developing the Modern Web |
205CDE |
Module |
Differential Equations |
5034CEM |
Module |
Digital Forensics |
5036CMD |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
5023CMD |
Module |
Digital Reality: Emerging Technologies in Game Development |
5034CMD |
Module |
Digital Technology Service Management |
6080CEM |
Module |
Digital Transformation Strategy |
7171CEM |
Module |
Discrete Mathematics |
5032CEM |
Module |
Disease Pathophysiology and Therapeutics |
5020BIO |
Module |
DNA - Crime Scene to Court |
6059BMS |
Module |
Drug Discovery: Past, Present and Future |
6048BMS |
Module |
Drug Discovery:'From Benchside to Bedside' |
7023BMS |
Module |
Economic and Resource Management for the Life Sciences |
7008BIO |
Module |
Electromagnetism |
5018CEM |
Module |
Engineering Mathematics |
4020CMD |
Module |
Enhancement Year |
5002BMS |
Module |
Enterprise Project |
5010CEM |
Module |
Essential Techniques for Pharmacologists |
5022BIO |
Module |
Essential Techniques for Pharmacologists |
5042BMS |
Module |
Exercise and Health |
6013SPO |
Module |
Exploit Development |
6048CEM |
Module |
Explorative Skills of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
5033SPO |
Module |
Fluid Dynamics |
6014CEM |
Module |
Food Biotechnology |
6008BMS |
Module |
Food Choice and Behaviour Change |
5012SSN |
Module |
Food Law |
5014BMS |
Module |
Food Microbiology |
5001SSN |
Module |
Food Processing Technology |
5005SSN |
Module |
Food Properties and Material Sciences |
5004SSN |
Module |
Food Quality, Safety and Assurance |
6004BMS |
Module |
Forensic Anthropology and Ecology |
5005FOR |
Module |
Forensic Futures – Contemporary & Global Issues |
6058BMS |
Module |
Forensic Genetics |
5000FOR |
Module |
Forensic Science and Evidence Analysis |
5009BIO |
Module |
Forensic Science in Practice |
4003FOR |
Module |
Foundation Practice in Strength and Conditioning |
7019SPO |
Module |
Foundations of Anatomy |
4033SPO |
Module |
Foundations of Computer Science |
4015CMD |
Module |
Foundations of Networking |
5037CMD |
Module |
Foundations of Psycho-social Principles in Sports Coaching |
4041SPO |
Module |
Foundations of Sports Coaching |
4038SPO |
Module |
Functional Anatomy and Injuries |
4036SPO |
Module |
Functional Rehabilitation |
5038SPO |
Module |
Fundamental Science and Laboratory Techniques |
4001FOR |
Module |
Fundamentals of Biomechanics |
4029SPO |
Module |
Further Algebra and Calculus |
5036CEM |
Module |
Further Calculus and Complex Analysis |
5010CMD |
Module |
Further Engineering Mathematics |
5048CMD |
Module |
Game Dev Tycoon: Professional Game Development |
5035CMD |
Module |
Genetic Basis of Disease |
5033BMS |
Module |
Genetic Basis of Disease |
5013BIO |
Module |
Genetics, Heredity and Evolution |
4012BIO |
Module |
Genomic and Regenerative Medicine |
7035BMS |
Module |
Genomics, Disease and Personalised Therapy |
6055BMS |
Module |
Genotype to Phenotype |
4025BMS |
Module |
Global Business Management |
7080CEM |
Module |
Groups and Rings |
5015CMD |
Module |
Haematology and Blood Disorders |
5035BMS |
Module |
Haematology and Blood Disorders |
5014BIO |
Module |
Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science |
7037BMS |
Module |
Healthy Human Physiology |
5018BIO |
Module |
Human Biosciences through the Lifespan |
6022BMS |
Module |
Human Evidence |
4002FOR |
Module |
Human Genetic Diversity |
5050BMS |
Module |
Human Genetic Diversity |
5008BIO |
Module |
Human Physiology: Homeostasis and Health |
4006BIO |
Module |
Hygiene Management Systems |
5015BMS |
Module |
Immunology and Inflammation |
5024BIO |
Module |
Incident Response |
7025CEM |
Module |
Independent Project |
6009SPO |
Module |
Independent Project |
7017SPO |
Module |
Independent Project |
7006SPO |
Module |
Independent Project in Biological and Forensic Sciences |
6031BMS |
Module |
Independent Project in Biomedical Science |
6042BMS |
Module |
Independent Project in Food and Nutrition Sciences |
6005BMS |
Module |
Independent Project in Human Biosciences |
6056BMS |
Module |
Independent Project in Human Biosciences |
6024BMS |
Module |
Independent Research Project for Pharmacology |
6049BMS |
Module |
Independent Sport and Exercise Science Project |
6018SPO |
Module |
Individual Project |
7156CEM |
Module |
Individual Project |
6001CEM |
Module |
Individual Project (Informatics) |
6069CEM |
Module |
Individual Project Preparation |
6000CEM |
Module |
Infection Prevention and Control |
7000BIO |
Module |
Infection Science |
7038BMS |
Module |
Infectious Disease and Immune Defence |
5034BMS |
Module |
Infectious Disease and Immune Defence |
5012BIO |
Module |
Infectious Disease: Present and Future challenges |
6051BMS |
Module |
Infectious Disease: Present and Future challenges |
6060BMS |
Module |
Information Retrieval |
7071CEM |
Module |
Information Security Management |
7132CEM |
Module |
Information Security Management |
4016CMD |
Module |
Injury Recovery |
6005SPO |
Module |
Integrated Biomedical Science Case Study |
7040BMS |
Module |
Integrated Topics in Nutrition, Food and Public Health |
6003BMS |
Module |
Integrative Project |
4005CMD |
Module |
Intermediate Programming |
6007CEM |
Module |
Introduction to Food Law and Policy |
4004SSN |
Module |
Introduction to Food Preparation and Production |
4005SSN |
Module |
Introduction to Games Programming |
4011CMD |
Module |
Introduction to Motor Learning and Control |
4030SPO |
Module |
Introduction to Programming |
4017CMD |
Module |
Introduction to Public Health |
4000SSN |
Module |
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science |
4025SPO |
Module |
Investigative Approaches in Haemato-oncology |
6041BMS |
Module |
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Service Management |
5027CMD |
Module |
Laboratory and Professional Skills for Biomedical Science |
7033BMS |
Module |
Laboratory Leadership and Quality Management |
7034BMS |
Module |
Leadership and Management for the Life Sciences |
7007BIO |
Module |
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
5008CMD |
Module |
Linear Statistical Models |
5009CMD |
Module |
Linear Statistical Modules |
5039CEM |
Module |
Machine Learning |
7072CEM |
Module |
Machine Learning and Big Data |
7091CEM |
Module |
Management Information Systems |
6042CEM |
Module |
Manual Therapy |
5040SPO |
Module |
Mathematical Case Studies |
4009CMD |
Module |
Mathematical Skills for Computing Professionals |
4001CMD |
Module |
Mathematical skills for Physics |
5023CEM |
Module |
Mechanics and Numerical Methods |
4010CMD |
Module |
Medical Microbiology |
6017BMS |
Module |
Medical Microbiology and Virology |
6036BMS |
Module |
Medicinal Biotechnology |
7024BMS |
Module |
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders |
5016BIO |
Module |
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders |
5038BMS |
Module |
Metabolic Non-Communicable Disease |
6050BMS |
Module |
Microorganisms in Human Health and Disease |
5007BIO |
Module |
MIS in the Business Environment |
5024CMD |
Module |
Mobile App Development |
6002CEM |
Module |
Mobile Platforms and Application Development |
7052CEM |
Module |
Modelling and Optimisation Under Uncertainty |
7135CEM |
Module |
Modern Lifestyles, Health and Disease |
5019BIO |
Module |
Modern Web Technologies |
7097CEM |
Module |
Motor Learning and Control |
4042SPO |
Module |
Multi-morbidity: An Emerging Health Challenge |
6052BMS |
Module |
Natural Language Processing |
7120CEM |
Module |
Needs Analysis and Programme Design |
7021SPO |
Module |
Networking |
5064CEM |
Module |
Networking and Computer Architecture |
4018CMD |
Module |
Neural Network Systems |
7154CEM |
Module |
Neurophysiology |
5010BIO |
Module |
Nutrition and Health |
5010SSN |
Module |
Nutrition for Exercise |
6057BMS |
Module |
Nutrition Through the Lifespan |
5002SSN |
Module |
Object Oriented Programming |
4003CEM |
Module |
Object-Oriented Programming for Game Development |
4012CMD |
Module |
On-Screen! Graphics Programming for Game Development |
5042CMD |
Module |
Once Upon a Time: Innovative Storytelling |
6031CMD |
Module |
Operating Systems and Security |
5004CEM |
Module |
Operating Systems, Security, and Networks |
5003CMD |
Module |
Operational Research and Simulation |
5026CMD |
Module |
Optimisation |
6024CEM |
Module |
Parallel and Distributed Programming |
6077CEM |
Module |
Parallel Programming with GPUs |
7003CEM |
Module |
Partial Differential Equations and Analytical Mechanics |
5012CMD |
Module |
Pedagogical Approaches to Sports Coaching |
4040SPO |
Module |
People and Computing |
5021CMD |
Module |
Performance Management |
6002SPO |
Module |
Performance Rehabilitation and Conditioning |
5042SPO |
Module |
Pharmaceutical and Biotech Innovation |
7006BIO |
Module |
Pharmacology and Pathophysiology |
5023BIO |
Module |
Pharmacology and Pathophysiology 1 |
5040BMS |
Module |
Pharmacology Scientific Presentation |
7022BMS |
Module |
Pharmacology, Biotechnology and Product Discovery |
7005BIO |
Module |
Physical Development in Sports Coaching |
4039SPO |
Module |
Physical Evidence |
4004FOR |
Module |
Physiology and Biochemistry for Nutrition |
4002SSN |
Module |
Platforms and Operating Systems |
5068CEM |
Module |
Playing TAG: Technical Art for Games |
5043CMD |
Module |
Practical and Academic Skills for Food and Nutrition Sciences |
4001SSN |
Module |
Practical Cryprography |
6051CEM |
Module |
Practical Pen-Testing |
5063CEM |
Module |
Practical Penetration Testing |
5038CMD |
Module |
Practical Skills in Sport and Exercise Science |
4027SPO |
Module |
Practical Techniques for Antimicrobial Resistance Investigation |
7002BIO |
Module |
Principles of Data Science |
7144CEM |
Module |
Principles of Food Preparation |
5003SSN |
Module |
Principles of Molecular Biology |
7005BMS |
Module |
Principles of Pharmacology and Drug Discovery |
7008BMS |
Module |
Principles of Physiological Systems |
4028SPO |
Module |
Principles of Strength and Conditioning |
4035SPO |
Module |
Principles of Toxicology and Drugs Analysis |
5006FOR |
Module |
Probability and Statistics |
4008CMD |
Module |
Product Commercialisation and Marketing |
7010BIO |
Module |
Product Design |
6007BMS |
Module |
Product Design, Clinical Trials, and Evaluation |
7009BIO |
Module |
Professional and Academic Skills 2 |
5041CEM |
Module |
Professional Development Portfolio |
7011BIO |
Module |
Professional Experience for HLS Students |
A250BMS |
Module |
Professional Experience Placement 1 |
7045BMS |
Module |
Professional Experience Preparation 1 |
7043BMS |
Module |
Professional Experience Sandwich Year |
5001BMS |
Module |
Professional Placement in Strength & Conditioning |
7020SPO |
Module |
Professional Practice in Sport Psychology |
7027SPO |
Module |
Professional Practice in Sports Coaching |
5048SPO |
Module |
Professional Practice within a Multi-disciplinary Team |
7015SPO |
Module |
Professional Skills for Sport and Exercise Science |
4026SPO |
Module |
Professional Skills for Sports Coaching |
4037SPO |
Module |
Professional Skills in Sports and Exercise Therapy |
4031SPO |
Module |
Profiling and Needs Analysis |
7026SPO |
Module |
Programming and Algorithms 2 |
5062CEM |
Module |
Programming and Operating Systems |
5039CMD |
Module |
Programming for Data Science |
7143CEM |
Module |
Programming Professional Practice |
4003CMD |
Module |
Programming: Concepts and Algorithms |
4000CMD |
Module |
Project Development |
6006SPO |
Module |
Project Management |
6068CEM |
Module |
Project Proposal |
7016SPO |
Module |
Project Proposal |
5006SPO |
Module |
Project Proposal and Performance Review |
6003SPO |
Module |
Public Health Nutrition |
6006BMS |
Module |
Public Health Promotion |
6009BMS |
Module |
Public Health Promotion and Policy |
5011SSN |
Module |
Public Health Protection and Policy |
5058BMS |
Module |
Real Analysis |
5013CMD |
Module |
Rehabilitation |
5003SPO |
Module |
Research and Employability Skills |
5000SSN |
Module |
Research and Professional Skills Development |
5025BIO |
Module |
Research and Professional Skills Development |
5047BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Biological and Forensic Sciences |
6030BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Biological and Forensic Sciences |
6061BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Biomedical Science |
6038BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Food and Nutrition Sciences |
6002BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Human Biosciences |
6053BMS |
Module |
Research Design for Pharmacology |
6045BMS |
Module |
Research in Sport and Exercise Science |
5035SPO |
Module |
Research in Sports Coaching |
5050SPO |
Module |
Research Principles and Preparation |
7041BMS |
Module |
Research Project |
7042BMS |
Module |
Research Project |
6004SPO |
Module |
Research Project Preparations |
7095CEM |
Module |
Research Skills |
7023SPO |
Module |
Research Skills and Professional Practice |
7005SPO |
Module |
Research Skills for Forensic Sciences |
5029BMS |
Module |
Research Techniques in Biotechnology |
7001BMS |
Module |
Research Techniques in Molecular Biology |
7004BMS |
Module |
Research Techniques in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery |
7007BMS |
Module |
Responsible Game Design |
4013CMD |
Module |
Reverse Engineering |
6052CEM |
Module |
Revit as a Tool for Building Design |
A202CAB |
Module |
Science of Performance |
5002SPO |
Module |
Secure Network Design and Management |
6042CMD |
Module |
Security |
6005CEM |
Module |
Security Audit and Monitoring |
6010CMD |
Module |
Security Management |
6054CEM |
Module |
Security Operations |
5040CMD |
Module |
Simulation |
7081CEM |
Module |
Skills for Food Control Sciences |
5056BMS |
Module |
Smoke and Mirrors: AI for Game Development |
5044CMD |
Module |
Soft Computing Based Artficial Intelligence |
7158CEM |
Module |
Soft Tissue Therapy |
4032SPO |
Module |
Software Architecture and Engineering |
7053CEM |
Module |
Software Development |
5009CEM |
Module |
Software Development Project |
7047CEM |
Module |
Software Engineering |
5005CMD |
Module |
Solid State Physics |
6013CEM |
Module |
Sports Coaching Practice |
5045SPO |
Module |
Sports Nutrition: Applying Theory to Practice |
7014SPO |
Module |
Sports Nutrition |
6012SPO |
Module |
Statistical Computing |
5014CMD |
Module |
Statistical Modelling |
6078CEM |
Module |
Strength and Conditioning |
6015SPO |
Module |
Strength and Conditioning for the Injured Athlete |
7022SPO |
Module |
Strength and Conditioning in Youth |
5049SPO |
Module |
Structure, Function and Analysis of Molecules |
4008BIO |
Module |
Synoptic Assessment in Pharmacology |
6046BMS |
Module |
Synthetic Biology |
7000BMS |
Module |
Talent Development and Management in Sport |
7028SPO |
Module |
Teamwork makes the dream works: Creative Industries Project |
5029CMD |
Module |
The Ethics and Legal Framework of Cyber Security |
4019CMD |
Module |
The Fundamentals of Forensic Science |
5006BIO |
Module |
The Immune System in Health and Disease |
5054BMS |
Module |
The Immune System in Health and Disease |
5011BIO |
Module |
The Internet and Web Technologies |
5041CMD |
Module |
The Microbial World |
4010BIO |
Module |
The VFX Factor: Visual Effects and Motion Graphics |
6032CMD |
Module |
Theory of Computation |
5002CEM |
Module |
Theory of Computation |
5000CMD |
Module |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics |
5022CEM |
Module |
Toxicology, Addiction and Abuse |
6043BMS |
Module |
Trace, Marks and Impressions |
5001FOR |
Module |
Trauma Management |
5039SPO |
Module |
Trauma Management |
5004SPO |
Module |
Understanding Commercial Game Development |
6018CEM |
Module |
Understanding Psycho-social Development in Sports Coaching |
5046SPO |
Module |
User Experience Design |
6012CEM |
Module |
Waves and Optics |
5018CMD |
Module |
Web API Development |
6003CEM |
Module |
Web Applications and AI |
7051CEM |
Module |
Web Development |
5007CEM |
Module |
Web Development |
5019CMD |
Module |
Web Development and Management |
5022CMD |
Module |
Working in the Sport and Exercise Science Sector |
5036SPO |
Module |
Working in the Sport, Leisure and Fitness Sector |
A300SPO |
Module |
Working With Data |
4004CMD |
Module |