Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"Peace, Conflict and Security in the 21st Century" 7000TPS Module
21st Century Lifestyles 5119HUM Module
21st Century Literature 5112HUM Module
21st Century Populism 7085HUM Module
7078HUM Principles and Practice of Education Management 7078HUM Module
A Graduate Career 5064HUM Module
A History of International Crime 275ISS Module
A History of International Crime 5057HUM Module
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Modern Philosophy 4057HUM Module
Academic English for Accounting and Finance 6043HUM Module
Academic English for Finance 6078HUM Module
Academic Presentations for Business 6087HUM Module
Academic Report Writing for Business 6077HUM Module
Advanced Writing Skills 6082HUM Module
African Affairs 6040HUM Module
African American Writing: Place, Race and Identity 6024HUM Module
After Destruction: The World since 1945 4080HUM Module
Age of Revolutions 5104HUM Module
Alternative Facts: Making Sense of a ‘Post-Truth’ World 5098HUM Module
Applied International Relations Theory 7021HUM Module
Applied Politics - Politics in Action 4040HUM Module
Applied Research Methods 1 5002PY Module
Applying Psychology (Professional Routes) 7007PSY Module
Biological and Cognitive Psychology 7002PYO Module
Body/Self 5120HUM Module
British Politics since 1997 5092HUM Module
Business English 7092HUM Module
Career Development Project 6093HUM Module
Case Studies Analysis in Educational Project Management 7115HUM Module
Changing Character of War and Terrorism 7018HUM Module
Childhood and Youth in Context 4006CYE Module
Clean Energy 6094MAA Module
Communication Skills in Social Work 4010SW Module
Comparative Politics and Governance 5079HUM Module
Computer Assisted Language Learning: Theory and Practice 7032HUM Module
Concepts in Education Management 6048HUM Module
Contemporary and Critical Issues in Crime and Justice 5122HUM Module
Contemporary and Critical Issues in Crime and Justice 5061HUM Module
Contemporary British Government 5080HUM Module
Contemporary Global Security 5047HUM Module
Contemporary Identities and Intimacies 7096HUM Module
Contemporary Society: Sociological Perspectives 5011SW Module
Core Psychological Perspectives in Sport and Exercise 5006SEP Module
Corruption in the International System 7106HUM Module
Counter-terrorism and the Security State 7107HUM Module
Creating an Intercultural Portfolio 6035HUM Module
Creative Dissertation 6013HUM Module
Creative Nonfiction 7128HUM Module
Creative Philosophy Project 4061HUM Module
Crime and Society 4005CRM Module
Crime Typologies 4008CRM Module
Crime, Disorder and Social Control 4069HUM Module
Criminal and Civil Law 4003FIS Module
Criminal Behaviour and its Contexts 6008PC Module
Criminal Justice 4007CRM Module
Critical and Digital Communication 4007FIS Module
Critical Reading and Writing Skills for PG Literary Study 7141HUM Module
Critical Reflective Practice 1 5009SW Module
Critical Reflective Practice 2 6006SW Module
Critical Thinking 7011HUM Module
Critical Thinking 7136HUM Module
Cultural Heritage and Public History 7084HUM Module
Cyberpsychology 5008PY Module
Developing academic skills for postgraduate study 7127HUM Module
Developing as a Forensic Psychologist (2) 5000PC Module
Developing as a Psychologist (2) 5000PY Module
Developing Language Teaching Materials 7116HUM Module
Deviance and Desire 6045HUM Module
Digital Worlds 4062HUM Module
Digital Worlds 6050HUM Module
Diplomacy and the International System 7020HUM Module
Diplomacy and the International System 7135HUM Module
Disability in Society 6084HUM Module
Disertation 7000HUM Module
Dissertation 7068HUM Module
Dissertation 7091HUM Module
Dissertation in History, International Relations, Politics 6072HUM Module
Diversity and Divisions 4071HUM Module
Ecophilosophies and Climate Justice 5099HUM Module
Educational Psychology 7027PY Module
Educational Psychology and Psychology of Special Needs 6005SEP Module
Educational Psychology and Psychology of Special Needs 6005PC Module
Effective Business Communication 5124HUM Module
Effective Communication for Management and Leadership 6092HUM Module
Emerging Powers and Global Order 5087HUM Module
Employability for Writers 6014HUM Module
English Business Communication and Report Writing Skills 5065HUM Module
English Business Presentation Skills 6076HUM Module
English Language Teaching in Practice 7031HUM Module
Enhancement Year - Study Abroad 5002SPS Module
Enhancement Year - Work Experience 5003SPS Module
Enlightenment: Literature, Culture and Modernity 6094HUM Module
Environment and the American West 7142HUM Module
Ethical Research and Methods in Forensic Psychology 7057PY Module
Ethical Research and Methods in Forensic Psychology 7001PYP Module
Ethics and International Relations 6003HUM Module
Ethics and International Relations 5096HUM Module
Ethics of Climate Change and Interspecies Thriving 4058HUM Module
Evaluation and Evidence in Policy and Practice 7098HUM Module
Experience and Language: Propositions and Signs 5103HUM Module
Families and Relationships 5121HUM Module
Family Life and Social Change 6059HUM Module
Fiction of the 21st Century 6080HUM Module
Fierce Feminist Figureheads 5100HUM Module
Final Project in History: Part 1 6065HUM Module
Final Project in History: Part 2 6068HUM Module
Final Project in Sociology and Sociology and Criminology 6057HUM Module
Final Research Project 7099HUM Module
Final Year Project 6028HUM Module
Final Year Project 6032HUM Module
Foreign Policy Analysis 5053HUM Module
Forensic Clinical Assessment and Case Formulation 7060PY Module
Forensic Crime Scene Analysis 5007FIS Module
Forensic Mental Health 4009CRM Module
Fraud Investigation 5009FIS Module
Fundamental Concepts in Psychology 4011SPS Module
Gender and Social Change in Twentieth Century Britain 7083HUM Module
Global Crisis and Global Society 7041HUM Module
Global Histories 4052HUM Module
Global Organised Crime 6040CRM Module
Global Organised Crime 6060HUM Module
Global Penology 7101HUM Module
Gothic Nature 7140HUM Module
Governance for Security in the Developing World 7016HUM Module
Grammar and Phonology for the English Language Teacher 7029HUM Module
Graphic Novels and Illustrated Storytelling 7133HUM Module
Graphic Storytelling 5019HUM Module
Group Project for Local Impact 4077HUM Module
Group Project- Make a 'Zine! 4063HUM Module
History of Modern Political Thought 5081HUM Module
Human Growth and Development: Psychological Perspectives 4012SW Module
Human Growth and Development: Psychological Perspectives 4012SWA Module
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping 202ISS Module
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping 5077HUM Module
Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping 5045HUM Module
Humanity and the Natural World 5082HUM Module
Humanity and the Natural World 5088HUM Module
Ideas and Concepts that Shape the World 4011HUM Module
Ideas, Ideologies and the State 4055HUM Module
Identity, Selfhood and Personal Relationships 5058HUM Module
Interactive and Game Narratives 5008HUM Module
International History of Europe 5091HUM Module
International Human Rights 7125HUM Module
International Organised Crime 7013HUM Module
International Security Praxis 7019HUM Module
Introducing Qualitative Research Methods 4016SPS Module
Introducing Quantitative Research Methods 4013SPS Module
Investigating Film 4074HUM Module
Investigative Practice 4008FIS Module
Keys to Study in Sociology and Criminology 4082HUM Module
Language and Globalisation 6008HUM Module
Language and New Media 5014HUM Module
Language and Society 5037HUM Module
Language and Society 5105HUM Module
Language and Society 5010HUM Module
Language in the Mind and the Machine 6009HUM Module
Language Testing and Assessment 6150HUM Module
Language, Identity and Power 6089HUM Module
Language, Identity and Power 6005HUM Module
Languages through foreign policy issues 6037HUM Module
Languages, Literature and Writing through Time 4065HUM Module
Legal and Policy Frameworks for Practice 4011SW Module
Legal Approaches to Crime 4010CRM Module
Life, the Universe and Everything 4056HUM Module
Literary Locations: Representing Space and Place 4075HUM Module
Making Humanities: Open Project 5126HUM Module
Making of the Modern United States: Race, Class, and Gender 5090HUM Module
Materials Evaluation and Design in a Multimedia World 6029HUM Module
Media and Popular Culture 4072HUM Module
Mediated Worlds 5101HUM Module
Mental Health Disorders in Client Groups 7004PYP Module
Mental Health Disorders in Client Groups 7061PY Module
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 7123HUM Module
Modernism 5000HUM Module
Modernisms and Post-modernisms 5106HUM Module
Multi-agency Sport and Exercise Psychology 5009SEP Module
Nationalism and Democratisation in Post-Communist Europe 6063HUM Module
Nations and Nationalism: From Unification to Annihilation 4028HUM Module
Organisational Context of Social Work 6010SW Module
Personal and Academic Development 4008CYE Module
Perspectives in Psychology 5009PY Module
Perspectives in Psychology 5006PY Module
Philosophical Methods 4060HUM Module
Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality 5102HUM Module
Poetry, Songwriting and Performance 5107HUM Module
Policing and Criminal Justice 5123HUM Module
Policing and law enforcement: from local to global 7100HUM Module
Policing and Society 5009CRM Module
Political Activism #The Age of Empowerment 5076HUM Module
Political Ideologies in the Twentieth Century 6103HUM Module
Political Thinkers from Machiavelli to Marx 5094HUM Module
Politics of the Contemporary Middle East 6102HUM Module
Post War Literature 6079HUM Module
Post-War Germany: From Division to Unification and Beyond 6070HUM Module
Postcoloniality and Environment 7139HUM Module
Postdigital Worlds 7095HUM Module
Power and Political Violence in the Age of Globalisation 5006HUM Module
Power and Political Violence in the Age of Globalisation 204ISS Module
Power, People, and the State 4081HUM Module
Power, Persuasion, and Propaganda 4044HUM Module
Power/Resistance 7131HUM Module
Professional Development 5001FIS Module
Professional Enhancement Year 5009SPS Module
Professional Enhancement: Managing the T&L Process 7042HUM Module
Professional Experience 5005PC Module
Professional Experience 1 5000CYE Module
Professional Practice in Forensic Mental Health 7008PYP Module
Professional Practice in Forensic Mental Health 7062PY Module
Professional Practice in Forensic Psychology 7007PYP Module
Professional Practice in Psychology 4012SPS Module
Professional Qualifications Preparation 6033HUM Module
Project Ethics 6001SEP Module
Project Planning and Ethics in Psychology 7003PYO Module
Psychology and Popular Culture 4014SPS Module
Psychology of Childhood, Youth and Education 5002CYE Module
Psychology of Culture, Gender, and Sexuality 5007PY Module
Psychology of Gender and Sexuality 6011PY Module
Psychology of Gender and Sexuality 6011PC Module
Psychology of Gender and Sexuality 6011SEP Module
Psychology of Mental Health and Wellbeing 4015SPS Module
Punishment and Control 5010CRM Module
Punishment and Penology 6088HUM Module
Race and Resistance in the United States: A History 6054HUM Module
Research Methods 7034HUM Module
Research Methods 5003CYE Module
Research Methods and Project Planning 5011SPS Module
Research Methods in Psychology 2 7021PY Module
Research Practice 7104HUM Module
Research Skills for the Postgraduate 7081HUM Module
Researching Social Life 5049HUM Module
Researching Social Life 5118HUM Module
Resilience in the International System 7061HUM Module
Risk Assessment and Management in Forensic Settings 7002PYP Module
Romantic Environments and Emotions 7043HUM Module
Safeguarding Children and Young People 4011CYE Module
Scenes and Subcultures 5071HUM Module
Screenwriting 6016HUM Module
Serious and Violent Crime 6147HUM Module
Sex, Sexuality, Power and Oppression 5044HUM Module
Sex, Sexuality, Power and Oppression 6095HUM Module
Shakespearean Spaces 7037HUM Module
Shakespeare’s Renaissance 5111HUM Module
Short Story Workshop 5108HUM Module
Skills for Working with Children and Young People 4009CYE Module
Social Justice and Human Rights 6091HUM Module
Social Policy and Social Change 4073HUM Module
Social Psychology and Individual Differences 7006PSY Module
Social Psychology and Individual Differences 7006PYO Module
Social Psychology in Sport 6013SEP Module
Social Work Practice with Adults 5013SW Module
Social Work Practice with Adults 5013SWA Module
Social Work Practice with Children, Young People and Families 5012SW Module
Sociology of Childhood, Youth and Education 5008CYE Module
Sociology of Childhood, Youth and Education 5001CYE Module
Sounds, words, structure, meaning: how English works 4076HUM Module
Space Place Regionalisms Globalisms 4067HUM Module
Spatial Reconstruction 5006FIS Module
Special and Inclusive Education 6001CYE Module
Speculative Fiction 6011HUM Module
Study Abroad Year Module 6039HUM Module
Study Trip 6061HUM Module
Stylistics 5013HUM Module
Stylistics 7074HUM Module
Teaching English for Specific Purposes 6148HUM Module
Teaching English through Literature 7028HUM Module
Teaching Young Learners 6031HUM Module
Terrorism and Counterterrorism 7124HUM Module
The Contemporary Far Right in Western Europe 5050HUM Module
The Far Right in Contemporary Europe 5095HUM Module
The Making of the Globalised World 4079HUM Module
The Making of the United States 5052HUM Module
The Origins and Future of Sport and Exercise Psychology 5010SEP Module
The Shadow Warriors: Modern Britain and Espionage 5089HUM Module
The Short Story Workshop 5021HUM Module
The Third Reich 1933-1945 6052HUM Module
The Third Reich 1933-1945 6105HUM Module
Themes in English Literature 6098HUM Module
Theories and Methods of Language Learning and Teaching 7012HUM Module
Theories of Education 4007CYE Module
Thinkers on Trial: The Life and Death of Ideas 4059HUM Module
Threats to Global Security 7017HUM Module
Tradition and Controversy in Social Theory 5048HUM Module
Traditions and Controversies in Social Theory 5117HUM Module
Translation Theory and Practice 2 6083HUM Module
Understanding Evidence 5008FIS Module
Understanding Society 4068HUM Module
United States' Foreign Policy since 1945 6056HUM Module
US Government and Politics 6053HUM Module
Utopian and Dystopian Writing: Identity, Education and Ecology 7130HUM Module
Utopias and Dystopias 6021HUM Module
Victorians & Empire 5113HUM Module
Violence and Exploitation 6002CRM Module
Women's lives in Britain and the US 1800 - 1945 6104HUM Module
World Politics since 1945 4033HUM Module
World Politics since 1945 4053HUM Module
Writing for Online, Social, and Print Media 4078HUM Module
Writing for the Theatre and Radio 6017HUM Module

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