Found 20 matching
- List 110MW Introduction to Midwifery, Olivia UrsellThis theory and practice module will provide a foundation upon which all subsequent modules will build. It will enable students to identify the fundamental aspects of the role of the midwife and midwifery care. Students will be introduced to the physiological basis of childbearing and to the provision of midwifery and its statutory regulation. Students will have an opportunity to engage in clinical practice and participate in basic midwifery skills
- List 327MW Clinical Decision Making, Susan LawThe role of the midwife involves taking responsibility for her actions and the use of appropriate evidence to make clinical decisions. This practice module will provide the opportunity for student midwives to explore the factors which influence decision making and how decisions are made in midwifery practice.
- The aim of the module is to enable the practitioner, whose UKCC/NMC registration has lapsed due to a career break, to return to midwifery practice with competence and confidence. The module will provide the practitioner with the opportunity to re-discover and develop practice-based skills. It will also provide the theoretical underpinning of current developments in and influences on midwifery
- This module aims to encourage student midwives to appreciate and explore in depth current legal and ethical issues facing midwives and mothers. This module incorporates law and ethics in midwifery practice, and current political agendas, particularly in relation to pregnancy, birth, parenting and fertility regulation.
- This module aims to consolidate prior learning and experience, thus ensuring that the student is fit for purpose and practice and fit for award. It will enable the student to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attributes commensurate with autonomous practice at the point of registration.
- List 113MW Woman-centred Midwifery Care, Dalvir KandolaThis theory module provides the opportunity for the student to embrace the concept of woman centred care. Knowledge to support women on the low risk pathway will be developed. The focus of this module upon the woman and her family as central to the provision of care, is an important aspect of supporting a positive transition to parenthood.
- List 111MW Medicine Management in Midwifery, Olivia UrsellThe administration of medicines is an important aspect of midwifery practice and forms one of the Essential Skills Clusters in the Standards for Pre-registration Midwifery Education (NMC 2009). This theory module will be delivered online. It will introduce the principles of medicines management, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics with a focus on midwifery practice and the role and responsibilities of the midwife.
- Upon registration midwives will practice autonomously. This module aims to consolidate prior learning and experience, thus ensuring that the student is fit for purpose and practice and award. It will enable the student to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attributes commensurate with autonomous practice at the point of registration.
- Litigation in childbirth is rising and midwives face increasingly complex ethical issues. This theory module will encourage student midwives to appreciate and explore in depth current legal and ethical issues facing midwives and mothers. This module incorporates law and ethics related to midwifery practice and current political agendas, particularly in relation to pregnancy, birth, parenthood and fertility regulation
- List 223MW International Perspectives in Midwifery, Susan LawChildbirth outcomes and the provision of midwifery care vary throughout the world. This theory module will be delivered online and will enable students to explore international midwifery practice by critically examining the role and scope of the midwife alongside global variations in maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. Socio-political and cultural differences among developed and developing countries will be analysed with their impact on childbirth outcomes. International strategies for promoting health and safe motherhood, including the Millennium Development Goals, will be evaluated. The module will also provide the opportunity for students to forge links with other countries to examine their childbirth and midwifery practices.